Ketua RT wajib Mengetahui Hal ini…




1. Bekasi : Rp5.000.000 per tahun






2. Depok : Rp300.000 per bulan





3. Bandung : Rp250.000 per bulan






4. Tangerang : Rp1.100.000 per kuartal





5. Pangandaran : Rp2.500.000 per tahun





6. Subang : Rp3.400.000 per tahun




7. Surabaya : Rp1.000.000 per bulan

8. Jakarta : Rp2.000.000 per bulan




9. Semarang : Rp750.000 per bulan


English Languange News The amount of salary for RT heads in Indonesia is interesting to know. Neighborhood association (RT) is a type of village social institution whose job is to assist the village head in government services.

The duties of the RT head are listed in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 18 of 2018 concerning Village Community Institutions and Customary Institutions.


For the salary received by the RT head, each region has a different nominal because not all regions have regulations governing the salary of the RT head.

Then, how much salary does the RT head receive in each region?

As summarized by Okezone, Thursday (20/4/2023), see the following information regarding the salary of RT heads in Indonesia.

1. Bekasi: IDR 5,000,000 per year

2. Depok: IDR 300,000 per month

3. Bandung: IDR 250,000 per month

4. Tangerang : IDR 1,100,000 per quarter

5. Pangandaran: IDR 2,500,000 per year

6. Subang: IDR 3,400,000 per year

7. Surabaya: IDR 1,000,000 per month

8. Jakarta: IDR 2,000,000 per month

9. Semarang: IDR 750,000 per month